White Spanish Broom

White Spanish Broom

White Spanish Broom (Cytisus Albus) - A graceful shrub, reaching a height of 5 to 6 feet in three or four years from seed, while old plants sometimes reach 15 feet. When thickly covered with its white blossoms, borne in long racemes, there are few finer flowering shrubs. The plant ripens seed in abundance, from which young plants are easily raised. Two or three varieties of this kind are grown-incarnatus, bearing flowers tinged, especially when in bud and newly opened, with pink or red-purple; multiflorus, a free-flowered garden variety with flowers of creamy white; and grandiflorus, with blossoms that are larger and of a fine pure white.

White Spanish Broom Pictures

Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link - scotsbroom
Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link - scotsbroom
Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link - scotsbroom
Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link - scotsbroom
Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link - scotsbroom
Cytisus scoparius (L.) Link - scotsbroom

Related Flowers

Dwarf Alpine Cytisus

Dwarf Alpine Cytisus (Cytisus Albus Ardoinii) - A low-trailing shrub, 4 to 6 inches high, and a gem for the rock garden. It is covered during April and May with deep yellow flowers, thriving in dry and sunny spots, its silky trifoliate leaves carried upon fine rod-like stems. Maritime Alps. Cuttings or seed.

Silver-leaved Cytisus

Silver-leaved Cytisus (Cytisus Albus Argenteus) - A silvery-leaved plant found in the Maritime Alps, its leaves and stems densely clothed in thick down white, and growing in the sunniest and most arid spots.

Austrian Cytisus

Austrian Cytisus (Cytisus Albus Austriacus) - A hardy kind from the east of Europe, growing as a compact leafy bush of 2 to 4 feet, bearing terminal clusters of yellow flowers during early summer and again in autumn.

Bean's Cytisus

Beans Cytisus (Cytisus Albus Beanii) - A cross between Ardoinii and biflorus, which originated in the Royal Gardens, Kew. It is a dwarf, prostrate shrub, with the habit of Ardoinii, useful in masses for the rock garden, its yellow flowers coming early in May.

Twin-flowered Cytisus

Twin-flowered Cytisus (Cytisus Albus Biflorus) - The earliest of the Brooms, it is neat in habit, growing very freely and about 4 feet high. The bright yellow flowers appear in the axils of the leaves throughout the long shoots.

Cluster-flowered Cytisus

Cluster-flowered Cytisus (Cytisus Albus Capitatus) - A low, semi-evergreen shrub growing in the outskirts and clearings of sunny woods throughout C. and S. Europe, bearing clusters of pale yellow flowers at times shaded with bronze, at the tips of the long erect shoots. Though less showy than some kinds, its habit is neat and compact, and it flowers from the middle of July into autumn, when few sorts are in beauty. Seed.

Trailing Cytisus

Trailing Cytisus (Cytisus Albus Decumbens) - A dwarf, prostrate shrub from E. Europe, with large pale yellow flowers in long erect spikes coming from June till August, and pretty in the rock garden.

Italian Cytisus

Italian Cytisus (Cytisus Albus Glabrescens) - A hardy plant from the mountains of N. Italy, and almost untried in gardens, though pretty as a rock plant. It forms a small bush with the pendulous habit of C. purpureus, but with golden flowers crowded in the axils of the leaves; these are deciduous, smooth above, and covered with soft hairs beneath.

Hairy Cytisus

Hairy Cytisus (Cytisus Albus Hirsutus) - A dwarf shrub 1 to 2 feet high, with trailing stems and yellow flowers in June and July, and useful in the rock garden or the front line of the shrubbery. The hairiness is only in the young growths, the adult leaves being smooth. S.E. Europe.

Kew Cytisus

Kew Cytisus (Cytisus Albus Kewensis) - A beautiful prostrate plant raised in Kew Gardens as a cross between Ardoinii and the White Broom, but distinct in habit from both parents. It spreads by long trailing shoots, rising only about 3 inches, but in old plants covering a wide surface. Its creamy white or pale yellow flowers thickly cover the pendent shoots during May and June.

Summer-flowering Cytisus

Summer-flowering Cytisus (Cytisus Albus Nigricans) - Of neat habit, with long slender shoots reaching 6 feet or more when full grown, hardy and thriving in dry warm ground. The pale yellow flowers are borne in long erect spikes of 9 inches at the ends of the new growths; it is easily raised from seed. Two or three varieties of this plant are grown in longispicatus, with longer spikes of flower, and Carlieri, with a long season of bloom and showing flower-spikes and reddish seed-pods intermingled.

Auvergne Broom

Auvergne Broom (Cytisus Albus Purgans) - A bush of 2 or 3 feet, the flowers, in April and May, yellow and fragrant, while the plant retains its good habit longer than many kinds. It is easily increased from seed or cuttings under glass in August. A native of the mountains of France, it is quite hardy.

Purple Cytisus

Purple Cytisus (Cytisus Albus Purpureus) - A hardy plant from E. Europe, often grafted standard high upon the Laburnum, and in that way short lived; it is better on its own roots as a low spreading bush in rock garden, its drooping shoots hung with purple flowers from May onwards. It is so readily increased from seed or cuttings that there is no need for grafting. There are several varieties.

Schipka Cytisus

Schipka Cytisus (Cytisus Albus Schipkaensis) - Of low spreading habit, flowering in a long succession from the end of June, the yellowish-white flowers borne in clusters. It is distinct, hardy, but a greatly over-rated kind.

Common Broom

Common Broom (Cytisus Albus Scoparius) - Though a native wild plant, the Broom sometimes suffers in severe winters, especially when upon low valley bottoms; in this way is less hardy than the white and early Brooms. There are several varieties of the Common Broom, the finest is Andres Broom (C. Andreanus), in which the lower petals are richly shaded with crimson or bronze color. When grafted it never lives long, often disappearing suddenly; but on its own roots it is as indifferent to adverse conditions as any of the Brooms, fine mature plants reaching a height of 12 feet or more, fully branched, and of great beauty when in flower. The most effective way to grow the Broom in country places is to throw it out of hand on any waste spots, such as railway banks, newly-formed fences, bare patches in woodland.

Many-colored Cytisus

Many-colored Cytisus (Cytisus Albus Versicolor) - A peculiar plant, hybrid of purpureus and hirsutus, in growth and outline like the Purple Cytisus. Its leaves and shoots are, however, thickly pubescent, and its flowers, appearing in May, pass from creamy-white to rose and lilac, the several stages showing in the same cluster. Though not a new plant, this hybrid is uncommon and distinct.

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White Spanish Broom